I Bought an Airplane

Words about airplane ownership and flying.

Oshkosh 2023 Tuesday

Today was a day of dreams and wishes.  Literal dreams – of all things I fell asleep at an airshow like an old man!!!  I was sitting there in my Bhudda chair with my umbrella in the sun and just fell asleep.  It was very relaxing until I woke up from one of those dreams that gives you a physical JOLT!  I found it difficult to hide this, but some folks around me saw it all.  Anywaysss….

Wishes – because one of the drawbacks about going to this kind of gathering is almost every aviation vendor in the US has a booth and wants to sell you something.  And I want to buy something(s). Therre are a few items on my list to get to keep the plane maintained, but these items will require me to mow a few lawns or do some acting jobs on the side.  Maybe soon.

I don’t think I mentioned how many airplanes there are here.  Aside from all the show planes which seem to run into several hundred, there also seem to be several thousand planes on all the campgrounds.  The grounds here seem to cover about 5 square miles or so.  And aside from actual runways, the campgrounds are on the grassy areas around the runways – and they are filled with planes tightly packed.  Maybe later EAA, the organization running Oshkosh, will announce actual numbers.

Today’s  I’m posting a pack of photos for your review.  We walked around in the Warbird area which is filled with World War II era airplanes and campsite re-enactments.

After dinner we enjoyed sitting in our camp chairs, watching departing airplanes, fireflies and doing absolutely nothing.

Oshkosh 2023 Tuesday
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