I Bought an Airplane

Words about airplane ownership and flying.

Oshkosh 2023 Monday

EAA Airventure begins on a smokey day, but it didn’t prevent any flying nor did it dampen anyones excitement, least of all mine.  I started the day with a quick shower in the shower hut and headed to my first classes.  I took classes on analyzing engine oil and the upcoming unleaded gas coming to the aviation world.  Funny that the FAA has taken so long to get unleaded gas into the tanks of airplanes that electric planes are actually a thing.  We saw one with our own eyes today.

We shared lunch with some guys that we know from our area in Oregon, then to an ice cream social with an aircraft owners group called Beech Aero Club that John belongs to.  In case you don’t know, John is the friend who first invited me to come to Oshkosh, and has been giving me tips all along.

After that, we sat down to watch the Monday air show which was many hours long.  I’ve taken so many photos, and I only have enough room to select just a few so I’m sharing them below.   One of the most memorable events – for me – is what is called the Heritage Flight.  It’s where they pair a modern jet with an old airplane from like WWII and they fly them together in tight formation. This pairing is also sometimes called “Current and Classic”  In this Oshkosh Heritage Flight they paired the P-51 Mustang with an F-22 Raptor.  The P-51 was the plane that helped us make it through World War II, and the F-22 Raptor is a modern day peace keeper.  It represents the Greatest Generation – along with the most powerful aircraft of today, created to help keep world wars from happening again.  I don’t know, call me sentimental, but it’s really something to see and I did not take photos of it.  I just wanted to enjoy it with my own eyes, and not try to cheapen it with unprofessional video or photos.  I encourage you to go to an airshow where they are doing a heritage flight and enjoy it with your own eyes.

After the airshow our energy was all tapped out by the sun so we headed back and got some dinner and talked about aviation things.  

I’m including more photos – John and Robert (John’s son) got us these cool mini windsocks that attach to our hats.  Look how cool we are! 

Oshkosh 2023 Monday
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